Presentations By Title
Danielescu, SerbanA combined approach for understanding nitrogen loading to groundwater from a field under potato production in Prince Edward Island
Kretsinger Grabert, VickiA Flow and Transport Model Developed as a Salt and Nitrate Management Analysis Tool for a Management Zone in California’s Eastern Kings Subbasin
Nolan, BernardA statistical learning framework for groundwater nitrate models of the Central Valley, California
Vægter, BoAction plans to protect groundwater from pesticide pollution in Aarhus, Denmark
Wagner, BrianAddressing Model Uncertainty in Groundwater-Management Modeling: A Case Study from the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and California.
Wattel, EstherAgricultural emission reduction policy and its effect on groundwater quality in nature areas in The Netherlands over the past 25 years
Chaves, HenriqueAn Index for Evaluating the Risk of Water Contamination by Pesticides: Development and Validation
Penny, GopalAnthropogenic depletion of water resources in the TG Halli catchment near Bangalore, India
Hakim, AbdulApproach to Reduce Drought in California
Turner, JosephAquifer Studies and Recharge Assessment of the Northern California Lower Tuscan Aquifer System
Aly, OsvaldoAquifer System Urucuia: governance and integrated water management in the São Francisco River Basin - Brazil's Northeast
Jiang, YefangAssessing the effects of buckwheat as a wireworm control crop on groundwater quality
Shumet, AbebeAssessing the impact of existing and future water demand on economic and environmental aspects (case study from Rift valley lake basin, Ethiopia
Clausnitzer, VolkerBalancing of interests in polder dewatering: A starring role for an integrated groundwater-surface water model
Ransom, KatherineBayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by Use of Elemental and Isotopic Tracers
Joseph, TrevorBuilding Capacity for Regional Sustainability with SGMA
Porta, LisaCA Central Valley Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program: The Sacramento Valley Rice Growers Approach to Groundwater Quality Management
Shilling, FraserCalifornia Almond Water Footprint
Schmidt, KirkCalifornia Groundwater Management - the 21st Century Gordian Knot
Garcia, KristinCalifornia’s New Groundwater Management Laws, and Strategies to Avoid Adverse Impacts on Agriculture in Urbanizing Communities
Perrone, DebraCalifornia’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: A Perspective Looking Across the South-Western US
Mehl, SteffenCan California Groundwater be Sustainably Managed with Agricultural Water Transfers? Effects on Aquifer Declines, Energy, and Food Production
Baram, ShaharCan Nitrate Leaching form an Orchard Be Accurately Estimated?
Green, TimothyChallenging a trickle-down view of climate change on agriculture and groundwater
Cativiela, Jean-PierreChanging California’s groundwater policies and implementation strategies could increase opportunities for protecting drinking water while improving dairy farm environmental performance.
Mas-Pla, JosepCharacterization of agricultural nitrate pollution in a Mediterranean region: what should be the next step to deal with this environmental problem?
Ghasemizadeh, MehdiCombined analysis of time-varying sensitivity and identifiability indices to diagnose the response of complex environmental models
Pavelic, PaulCommunity owned village ponds to mitigate floods and meet local irrigation demands: A novel conjunctive water use management approach
Alley, WilliamConnecting Regional Groundwater Assessments, Agriculture, and Groundwater Governance
Villholth, KarenContribution of Sustainable and Unsustainable Groundwater Use to Global Food Production
Kacimov, AnvarControl of Topology of Water Fluxes in Arid Agriculture: Amalgamation of Subsurface Irrigation, Managed Aquifer Recharge and Engineered Soil Substrate
McClain, CynthiaCr(VI) and nitrate in groundwater and sediments of the southwestern Sacramento Valley, California, USA
Lindsey, BruceDecadal Changes in Agricultural Contaminants in Groundwater in the United States, 1988-2015
Burow, KarenDecadal-scale changes in uranium and bicarbonate concentrations in groundwater in the U.S.: Effects of irrigation on the mobilization of uranium
Hoherd, CharlieDesigning Production wells to Optimize Performance and Efficiency
Graversgaard, MortenDevelopment of sustainability strategies in the agri-food system-regional nitrogen management
Dahan, OferDirect monitoring of agriculture impact on groundwater quality
Marsh, BrianDoes following the recommended potato nitrogen fertility guideline contribute to groundwater contamination?
McDowell, RichardDoes variable rate irrigation decrease the loss of water quality contaminants from grazed dairy farming?
Mukhayer, HarumDrawing the Line: Borders and Boundaries Governing Conjunctive Use
Juvvadi, Devi PrasadDrought Governance and Response Strategies including Mission Kakatiya in Telangana, India
Sandoval, SamuelEconomic Analysis of Groundwater Banking on Agricultural Lands in California
Medellin-Azuara, JosueEconomics of Long Term Groundwater: A Case Study for the Tulare Lake Basin, California
Pollock, MichaelEcosystem-based Groundwater Recharge to Help Farmers and Fish: Why California Needs 10,000 More Dams
Green, ChristopherEfficient data-driven estimation of nitrate transport and reactions in groundwater using a vertical flux model
Famiglietti, JayEnhancing groundwater management capabilities in California’s Central Valley - generating high-resolution groundwater maps from GRACE and in situ data
Prakash, PavithraEstimating Applied Water in Alfalfa using the IWFM Demand Calculator Model
Gollehon, NoelEvaluating NRCS Water Conservation Practice Impacts over the Ogallala Aquifer
Arnold, BradEvaluating the Effects of Over Pumping and Drought on Water Supply Well Production Capacities and Pumping Costs
Frey, StevenEvaluating the influence of tile drainage management on shallow groundwater resources
Carey, BarbaraEvaluation of N mass balance and soil nitrate as indicators of N leaching to groundwater in a Pacific Northwest dairy grass field
Eppinger, SilvanEvolution of groundwater law in Arizona and Jordan – legal dimension of the groundwater revolution and implications for the groundwater crisis of the 21st century
Sneed, MichelleEvolution of Water Availability and Land Subsidence in California’s San Joaquin Valley
Ramadugu, RatnakarExperiences of Participatory Irrigation Managementin the APWELL Project
Foolad, FoadExploring relationship between evapotranspiration and groundwater level fluctuations in different land covers
Mas-Pla, JosepExploring the origin and migration of antibiotics in aquifers to evaluate their impact on groundwater resources quality
Vrain, EmilieFactors influencing the adoption of water pollution mitigation measures by farmers in England
Boy Roura, MerceFate and persistence of emerging contaminants and multi-resistant bacteria in the continuum surface water - groundwater (the PERSIST Project)
Parsons, TarynFate of Nitrogen on California Dairies as Measured by Regulatory Reporting
Smilovic, MikhailField kites: Evaluating supplemental irrigation with climate change
Harter, ThomasField Scale Groundwater Nitrate Loading Model for the Central Valley, California, 1945-Current
Megdal, SharonFraming the Issues Associated with Groundwater Governance and Agriculture in the United States
Mehl, SteffenFREEWAT, a HORIZON 2020 project to build open source tools for water management: a European perspective
Zuurbier, KoenFreshwater storage in brackish-saline aquifers for irrigation water supply: a bottomless pit or a fountain of gold?
Dobbin, KristinFrom Integrated Regional Water Management to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Lessons on institutionalizing participation to achieve the Human Right to Water in California
Sood, AdityaGlobal Scale Study for Determining Groundwater Contribution to Environmental Flows and Sustainable Groundwater Abstraction Limits for SDGs
Ariyama, JiroGroundwater and Nitrogen Recharge Model for the On-Farm Flood Flow Capture Project in California
Dahlquist-Willard, RuthGroundwater challenges faced by Southeast Asian smallholder farmers in Fresno County, California
Shivakoti, BinayaGroundwater for more resilient agriculture in the Lower Mekong: governance challenges and lessons at the local level
Parker, TimothyGroundwater Management in Mexico – Embarking on New Horizons?
Cehrs, DavidGroundwater Management: Past, Present, and Future in the Upper Kings Basin of the Central Valley, California
D'Elia, AmandaGroundwater Nitrate Attenuation and Changes in Groundwater Quality Across a California Delta Floodplain
Burke, SeanGroundwater nitrate concentrations in the Permo-Triassic aquifer of the Eden Valley, UK
Reading, LucyGroundwater pathways for nutrient transport from agricultural land to the Great Barrier Reef
PHIROSMANASHVILI, NanaGroundwater Protection and Raising of Farmers Awareness
Rudolph, DavidGroundwater remediation for nitrate contamination in public supply wells: Challenge of the non-point source
Guo, ZhilinGroundwater salinization due to hydraulic closure in Tulare Basin over a long term time scale
Karlen, DouglasGroundwater, Bioenergy and Soil Health – Is the Nexus Sustainable?
van den Brink, CorsHarmonizing agriculture and vulnerable drinking water abstractions in Overijssel, the Netherlands: a collaborative approach
Dahlke, HelenHistoric, Current, and Future Availability of Surface Water for Agricultural Groundwater Banking in the Central Valley, California
Gailey, RobertHydro-Economic Analysis for Sustainable Groundwater Management
MacEwan, DuncanHydroeconomic Modeling of Sustainable Groundwater Management
Visser, AteHydrogeochemical characterization in relation to nitrate concentrations in Central Valley (California, USA) domestic wells
Juvvadi, Devi PrasadImpact of Community Based Tank Management in Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Telangana states in India
Young, CharlesImplementing California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Farmer Perceptions and the Balance of Groundwater and Economic Sustainability
Urban, DanielImproved irrigation scheduling through airborne detection of water stress
Sato, TakeshiImprovement of phytoremediation by using chelating agents
Kassenaar, DirkIncorporating a dynamic irrigation demand module into an integrated groundwater/surface water model to assess drought sustainability
Illangasekare, TissaIncorporating land-atmospheric-vegetation feedbacks into subsurface models used for agriculture water management.
Thorling. LærkeIndicators to identify the source of pesticide contamination to groundwater
Urbanc, JankoInfluence of agriculture on the groundwater chemical status in Slovenian alluvial plains
Ta, JennyInforming Restoration Practice Through Estimation of Groundwater-Surface Water Time Lags With Windowed Cross-Correlation
Brozovic, NicholasInnovations in Agricultural Groundwater Management: Smart Markets for Transferable Pumping Rights
Langridge, RuthInstitutional Approaches to Manage Groundwater in California:Evaluating Special Act Districts and Court Adjudications
Dorn, LindaIntegrated Modeling of In-Lieu Groundwater Recharge Using Recycled Water for Agriculture-Maximizing Benefits to Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems and Sustainable Groundwater Management
Maples, StephenIntercomparison of C2VSim and CVHM Groundwater Budgets for DWR Subregions in the Central Valley
Iwanyshyn, MikeInvestigating Livestock Manure Storage Facility Impacts on Groundwater in Alberta, Canada
Kraft, GeorgeIrrigation Impacts in the Northern Great Lake States
Thorling, LærkeKnowledge based protection of groundwater through monitoring and modelling of nitrate in groundwater in rural areas
Kiparsky, MichaelLuncheon Keynote on Groundwater and the Future of Groundwater Management in Agriculture
Greenhalgh, SuzieManaging freshwater resources: insights from New Zealand’s policy experience with managing the impacts of agricultural non-point sources.
Garner, EricManaging Groundwater In a Time of Increasing Demand and Changing Climate
Harter, ThomasManaging the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface under California’s new GroundwaterLaw
Holley, CameronMarkets, Groundwater and Law: Water Reform Lessons from Australia
Bartholomeus, RuudMatching agricultural freshwater supply and demand: using industrial and domestic treated wastewater for sub-irrigation purposes
Overhouse, AshleyMexico’s emerging illegal groundwater market: The product of corruption and neoliberal regulations
Andrews, CharlesModels to Inform Policy on Agricultural Groundwater Use in the Upper Midwest
Möller, GregoryN-E-W Tech™: Advancing the Agricultural Circular Economy at the Nutrient-Energy-Water Nexus with Technology Innovation
Kretsinger Grabert, VickiNapa County Groundwater Resources: A Comprehensive Program to Ensure Sustainability
Bartlett, GinaNegotiating agriculture representation in decision making on groundwater sustainability
Berg, CarolynNew Model for Groundwater Management in Rural-Agricultural Basins
Boyce, ScottNew MODFLOW’s One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model and Application to Conjunctive Use of the Rio Grande River and Transboundary Aquifers
Schroeter, AngelaNitrate in Groundwater – Implementing Groundwater Monitoring Requirements for Irrigated Agriculture and Ensuring Safe Drinking Water in the Central Coast Region of California
Kandelous, MaziarNitrate sensitive salinity management
Stern, VirginiaNitrates, Groundwater and Drinking Water - A Tale of Two Communities
Fisher, AndrewNitrogen cycling and water quality improvement during managed aquifer recharge: Experiments using reactive barrier technology
Klassen, ParryNitrogen Fertilization in Central Valley Crops: Answering the question “Are we doing it Right?”
Hoogeveen, MargaNitrogen surplus key factor in relation between farm practices and water quality
Scherberg, JacobNumerical evaluation of managed aquifer recharge as a conjunctive water resource management tool in the Walla Walla Basin
Mountjoy, DanielOn-Farm Recharge: Acceptance and use by farmers and water managers in the San Joaquin Valley, California
Melton, ForrestOperational Mapping of Evapotranspiration over Agricultural Land in the California Central Valley
Pavelic, PaulOptions for viable small-scale groundwater irrigation systems in the least-developed, water-rich case of Lao PDR
Abrishamchi, AhmadPlanning for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources, Case Study: Nishapur plain in Iran
Ross, KarenPlenary 11
Burns, GordonPlenary 12
Belitz, KennethPlenary 22
Ludwig, GabrielePlenary 24
Mills, AnnPlenary 31
Conant, BernadettePlenary 41
Cativiela, J.P.Plenary 42
Alley, WilliamPlenary 43
Villholth, KarenPlenary 45
Holley, CameronPlenary 46
Fienen, MichaelPotatoes and Trout: Groundwater Model Optimization to Balance Agricultural and Ecosystem Stakeholder Needs in the Little Plover River Basin, Wisconsin
Dahlke, HelenPotential for managed aquifer recharge on alfalfa crop land in California.
Tolley, DouglasPredicted Impacts of Conjunctive Water Management on Late Summer Streamflow in an Agricultural Groundwater Basin with Limited Storage, Scott Valley, CA
Stringfellow, WilliamProduced Water from Oil & Gas Fields as a Potential Source of Irrigation Water
Hyndman, DavidQuantifying the Impact of Human activities on Water Sustainability and Crop Yields across the High Plains Aquifer using Process-Based Models
Kendall, AnthonyQuantifying the Impacts of Irrigation Technology Adoption on Water Resources in the High Plains Aquifer
Richey, AlexandraQuantifying the Role of Agricultural Groundwater Use for Drought Mitigation
Oltjen, JamesQuantifying Water Dynamics for Cattle Grazing California Rangelands
Quin, BertReducing environmental N losses and increasing N uptake on grazed dairy farms with simple, low cost detection and treatment of fresh cow urine patches
Knapp, KeithRegional management of a stock pollutant: agricultural drainwater
Diamantopoulos, EfstathiosRegional scale simulations of nitrate movement through the vadose zone using Hydrus 1D
Holley, CameronRegulating Water Bore Drillers: Lessons from Australia
Kimmelshue, JoelRemotely Sensed Crop Mapping Applications for Water Resource Management and Decision Support
Malone, RobertRZWQM simulations of nitrate loss to subsurface drains from a Midwest bioenergy production system
Loaiciga, HugoSafe yield of large and small aquifers in agricultural regions
Gurdak, JasonScale dependence of controls on groundwater vulnerability to nonpoint-source nitrate contamination, California Coastal Basin aquifer system
Heller, NoahSelective Groundwater Extraction for Agricultural Yield Optimization
Singh, RanvirSensitive Catchments – Managing Nutrient Pathways and their Attenuation in NZ Agricultural Catchments
Benli, BogachanSoil leaching in saline areas. Is it the best practice for salinity management in agriculture? A case study from the Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia
Mueller, KarinSoil water repellency - a concern for groundwater recharge and quality?
Masarik, KevinSpatial and temporal variability of nitrate in Wisconsin’s groundwater
Young, MeganStable isotopes as indicators of sources and processes influencing nitrate distributions in groundwater beneath dairy farms in California
Ekdahl, ErikState Implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)
Fisher, AndyStormwater Runoff Analysis for Placement of Managed Aquifer Recharge Projects in Santa Cruz and Northern Monterey Counties, California
Bartholomeus, RuudSub-irrigation with waste water: a soil column experiment to foresee and mitigate clogging
Gamon, DanielSummary of Managed Aquifer Recharge Concepts and Planning Methods
Knapp, KeithSustainability economics of groundwater usage and management: a perspective from environmental macroeconomics
Matsumoto, SandiSustainable Groundwater Management: What We Can Learn from California’s Central Valley Streams
Liptzin, DanielThe California Nitrogen Assessment: Implications for the Future of Groundwater Resources
Fogg, GrahamThe Case for Subsurface Storage of Water in Agricultural Basins
Angermann, TillThe Central Valley Dairy Representative Monitoring Program – Insight from 4 Years of Monitoring and Special Studies
Bachand, PhilipThe challenges of integrating groundwater in a significant way into California’s water supply portfolio
Aryal, BallavThe economic value of emergency groundwater pumping during drought: The Yakima Basin, Washington State
Bertone Oehninger, ErnstThe effects of climate change on groundwater extraction for agriculture and land-use change
Archer, KellyThe exportation of agricultural water in California and other arid regions of the US.
Miliband, WesThe Future Of Agriculture In A Changing World With Less Water And More Regulations
Dar, AadityaThe Groundwater Constraint: Responses to Falling Water Tables in India
Hasan, MohammadThe impacts of piped water on water quality, sanitation, hygiene and health in rural households of north-western Bangladesh - a quasi-experimental analysis
Rempel, JennyThe Importance of Rural, Farmworking Communities in Advancing Policy Solutions that Address Agricultural Pollution of Groundwater
LaHue, GabrielThe influence of the recent California drought on water table levels in the Sacramento Valley
Döll, PetraThe irrigation-groundwater nexus at the global scale
Bachand, PhilipThe McMullin Project: The Justification and Process to bring On-Farm Flood Capture from Concept to Implementation
Rijnaarts, Prof. Dr. ir HuubThe Netherlands Water Nexus Research Program: Brackish water as a resource for solving Agricultural and Industrial fresh water needs.
Jain, MehaThe relative influence of groundwater versus surface irrigation sources for agricultural production in India
Reinelt, PeterTo Maximize Net Benefits, Abolish or Limit Water Data Confidentiality to 1-5 Years
Hall, L. FlintTools for monitoring and evaluating potential sources of nitrates to ground water, Eastern Idaho
Huntington, JustinTowards development of a complete Landsat evapotranspiration and energy balance archive to support agricultural consumptive water use reporting and prediction in the Central Valley, CA
Hunecke, ClaudiaTowards understanding the role of Social Capital within Adoption Decision Processes: An application to adoption of irrigation technology
Liu, MinTrends in extreme droughts and their impact on grain yield in China over the past 50 years
Mendez Barrientos, LindaUnderstanding the timing and duration of implementation processes of groundwater management plans (GMPs) under AB3030 in California
Wallander, StevenUSDA Conservation Programs and Groundwater – Advances in Data and Modeling
Dobrowolski, JamesUSDA-NIFA’s Water for Agriculture: A mechanism to fund a broader portfolio in groundwater sustainability.
Fraters, DicoUse of early warning monitoring systems for groundwater protection in a policy decision context
Teo, E.Using a GIS to develop distributed stormwater collection systems linked to managed aquifer recharge
Halpenny, MorganUsing High Frequency Pump Monitoring to Reduce Energy Consumption
Højberg, AnkerUtilizing natural nitrogen reduction in national regulation
Lapen, DavidVeterinary antibiotic, pathogen, and antibiotic resistance genes in tile effluent and shallow groundwater following manure application: Influence of controlled tile drainage
Bjorneberg, DavidWater quality trends in irrigation return flow from a southern Idaho watershed.
Aly, OsvaldoWater Security, productive restructuring and land use at Sepé Tiaraju settlement, São Paulo State, Brazil
Essaid, HedeffWatershed modeling to evaluate the impact of irrigated agriculture on surface water – groundwater interactions
Gruere, GuillaumeWhat policies to manage groundwater use in agriculture? Lessons from a study of OECD countries.
Campbell, MarshaWhat Will It Take To Protect Groundwater Quality Under California Central Valley Dairies?
Rozemeijer, JoachimWill our traditions for groundwater sampling in agricultural settings survive the 21st century?
Lockwood, BrianWorking toward Sustainable Groundwater Resources in an Uncertain Future